Babytree Cell Phone Strap

Wow! This Mobile Gardening is really cool ^^ Here's another Natural cell phone strap (seen here) where a living plant is kept in a capsule again BUT unlike the previously mentioned, this one does need some sort of caring such as watering (once or twice a month) and replanting it by the time your plant grows too big to fit in its tiny capsule anymore ~_^

each Babytree symbolizes a value such as Love, Happiness or Strength
(the above plants from L-R stand for friendship, creativity and originality

water your plant by soaking its capsule bottom in water for 1-2 minutes once or twice a month

اين هم با ز يک آويز موبايل گياهى ديگه است با اين تفاوت که گياهچه ى داخل شيشه ى اون به کمى مراقبت و توجه شما نياز داره تا زنده بمونه و رشد کنه و اون اينه که بايد يکى دو بار در ماه، انتهاى کپسول حاوى اون رو داخل ظرف آبى به مدت يکى دو دقيقه قرار بديد تا رطبت مورد نيازشو جذب کنه و بعدتر‌ها هم که گياهتون انقدر بزرگ شد که ديگه تو اين شيشه ى کوچک جا نميشد مى تونيد تو يه گلدون بکارينش و از ديدن کوچولوى بزرگ شده‌تون لذت ببريد ^.^ء